Monday, February 20, 2012

Fake Chartered Accountants

The ICAEW has issued a warning about people/firms who attempt to pass themselves off as  "Chartered Accountants", who are in fact not entitled to use the designatory letters ACA or FCA.

Here is the ICAEW's warning in full:

"Each week ICAEW receives complaints - from ICAEW members and from members of the public - about individuals and organisations who describe themselves as ‘chartered accountant(s)’ or who use the letters ACA or FCA after their name when they are not entitled to.

When we receive these complaints, we take steps to make sure that the individual or organisation stops using the description ‘chartered accountant’ or the letters ACA or FCA. ICAEW takes these cases very seriously because members of the public can be misled into thinking that the individual is a qualified chartered accountant or - in the case of a former ICAEW member - that they are still entitled to describe himself/herself as a chartered accountant.

This page lists firms and individuals who have been brought to our attention in the last three years.


The following firms and companies have given an undertaking not to pass themselves off as an ICAEW member firm. They are neither current ICAEW member firms nor firms associated or connected with ICAEW.


The following individuals have given an undertaking not to pass themselves off as members of ICAEW. They are neither current ICAEW members nor individuals associated or connected with ICAEW.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Arthur Bailey Wins VP Position

Congratulations to Arthur Bailey, he has been elected to become the next vice president of ICAEW.

It is a pity that, despite representing the members and stating:
"One of my key priorities will be direct engagement with as many members as possible, in order to listen to their views and understand their concerns."
his electorate was limited to only those on Council, rather than the entire membership.

Engagement only works when the membership are actually engaged with by Council in "minor" matters such as elections.

Monday, February 06, 2012

Economia and The £30 Breakfast

The new magazine from the ICAEW (Economia) thumped onto my doormat last week.

It seems the target market for the magazine is the upper income bracket of the profession, as there was an article recommending a place that charges £30 for breakfast.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

To The Polls Ye Sons of Freedom!

If anyone is interested, the contenders for position of ICAEW Vice President are:

- Arthur Bailey,
- Ian Davies,
- Nick Parker, and
- Nathan Steinberg

Did anyone actually know that these elections were taking place?

Those of you who are looking forward to vote will be sorely disappointed, the vote is closed to members (only council may vote).

Why are the members of the ICAEW not allowed to vote in these elections?

Poor old ICAEW, can't quite get this "new fangled" democracy thing can it?