
The ICAEW Council met on 20 December 2004, and voted to continue with the merger proposal; despite the fact that CIMA rejected it.

The deadline for voting on the merger proposal was the 25th of October 2005.

The ICAEW needed 67% of those who vote to vote in favour, if the motion was to pass. They failed.

Remember, as the ICAEW says:

"Our rigorous integrated education and training programme produces chartered accountants, auditors and business advisers, who are valued above all others in practice, industry, commerce and the public sector, in the UK and worldwide.

...The qualification will retain all the features that have made it the premier accountancy qualification in the world"

The vote went against the ICAEW and we ensured that our qualification, and brand, retained its premier position.

To view a summary of the reasons why the merger failed please click this link Reasons To Vote No

Thank you for voting against the merger.

Don't Dilute The Brand

Cut Council Down To Size

I have continued to run this site, as a means of ensuring that the issues concerning the structure, strategy and management of the ICAEW highlighted during the anti merger campaign are not "swept under the carpet".


I have recorded a short video outlining my personal views about the ICAEW merger proposal.

You can watch it here via YouTube.

This site is not endorsed by the ICAEW.