Wednesday, September 10, 2014

ICAEW Resorts To Cold Calling

I see that the ICAEW, despite still bearing an uncanny resemblance to a Victorian trade association, has picked up one of the more irritating "innovations" of the modern world; namely, it has resorted to cold calling.

This morning I received an unsolicited call from someone representing the ICAEW, who tried to sell me a faculty membership. A similar attempt, to sell and Excel course, was made in 2013.

Needless to say I put the phone down!

Be warned, the person said that the ICAEW was calling ALL members, as Della Hudson and Gary McCombe can attest to!

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Can Accountants Be Trusted? - Misleading Debate

Economia has a rather misleading headline wrt a debate between Mark Spofforth, partner, Spofforths, and former ICAEW president and Ian Fraser, financial journalist and author of Shredded: The Rise and Fall of RBS.

The debate entitled "Can accountants be trusted?", aside from degenerating into a seemingly ill tempered slanging match, actually centres around the activities of large accounting/auditing firms rather than the activities and ethics of accountants per se.

A far more appropriate headline would have been "Can large firms be trusted?"

Next time economia might consider using the services of an invigilator in order to keep the debaters on topic, and calm.