Friday, March 04, 2005

Welsh Rebellion

Accountancy Age report that a poll shows that Welsh accountants in practice are against the proposed institutes' merger.

Members Against Consolidation, a protest group of Welsh ICAEW members, has polled 400 practice accountants in Wales; it found that they were 11 to one against the current merger plans.

When will the ICAEW council realise that this proposal is fatally holed below the water line?


  1. when will you realise that no-one cares anymore

  2. I think that the threat of a breakaway by the welsh is a great idea. This would be the biggest vote of no-confidence of all time and would show 'anonymous' that we do care.

  3. Dr Wooler makes many astute, interesting and informative comments but I think the abobe was made late at night after a tiring day - members can't breakaway if they have nowhere to go to - unless you mean the ACCA offer.

  4. Maybe ICAS will allow disgruntled members to join?

  5. Can ACCA and CIMA students pass a single subject at any sitting? If so; is this the main reason why they have so many students? CIMA and CIPFA members of 5 year standing can also join ACCA?
    It seems ACCA will become ever more popular and ICEAW will decline - any comment?

  6. Why not have a poll to see how many ICAEW members would like to become members of ICAS or ACCA or a new Welsh Institute.
    The consolidation outcome is certain though the timing is not. How many disgruntled ICAEW members want a new home unless Messrs A and D withdraw by say, 31st March.

    Messrs Frost, Lawson, Wooller and the Ginger Group surely have enough combined clout and prospective financial support to test the strength of opinion.

  7. You guys should let us know if there is a address where by contribution is required to set up the new body. I believe alot will join the new body!!!!
