Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Accountancy Age reports that a deal has been made between the ICAEW and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) wrt developing the profession.

"Both will look at examining requirements allowing members of one body to access the other."

I assume that any inter institute membership, if it occurs, will be structured in such a way as to ensure that the brand value of the ICAEW qualification will not be diluted.


  1. ICAEW is desperate to boost its membership; India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Singapore, Hongkong etc. Possibly the African continent is next!

  2. ICAB is hard but the quality is very poor. Its hard bcoz of quantity and vague. ICAEW is slowly compromising its quality.

  3. ICAB Qualified people cannot even speak the English Language properly. The ICAB program test you 100 marks in just 1.5 hour so you can understand the hollow component in their syllabus. Their syllabus usually gives a brief idea about accounting but not in detail as other UK professional bodies. It is very shocking to see ICAEW recognizing such bodies as ICAB.

  4. Surely it's about developing the profession as a whole, on a global basis? A rising tide and all that...

  5. shittt mannn....thats not good for long term....our ICAEW is just losing its grip on the ground...i think making a deal with ACCA will experience a synergy. Lot of synergy...

  6. Ha Ha Ha... before recognising ICAB, look at the accounting and auditing practice in Bangladesh. All this will delute ICAEW's brand and in few years ACCA will be much prestigious.
