Monday, November 27, 2006

ICAS To Remain Independent

Anton Colella, the new chief executive of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS), is going to build bridges with the ICAEW after last year's humiliating debacle over the proposed name of the planned merged institute (that was blocked by the membership of the ICAEW).

Colella, in an interview with the Herald, notes that rapprochement is now required with the ICAEW.

However, despite the ICAEW's continued obsession with merging with all and sundry, ICAS have every intention of remaining independent.

Colella is quoted as saying:

"Consolidation is not on the horizon for Icas.

We will, however, be looking to work very effectively with the other professional bodies in the UK. We will be working very hard to ensure we identify areas where we can collaborate

1 comment:

  1. Anton Colella’s words are quite clear:

    1.ICAS is the original instute of chartered accountant.
    2.ICAS members do not want to dilute their brand by admitting ICAEW members by way of a merger

    MAC mambers - where have we heard this before?
